Emergency Transportation
Emergency Transportation
$36 per Patient

Sometimes the difference between life and death is the cost of a cab ride.

Imagine being injured in a car accident, or going into preterm labor, and not being able to get to a hospital. This is the reality for people living in rural Uganda. 

When every second counts, Bulamu is a lifeline to Ugandans experiencing a medical crisis by providing fast, safe transportation to partner health facilities and hospitals equipped to care for patients without delay.

The average cost of an emergency transport is $35 dollars. Be a lifeline to Ugandans in need by helping support our Emergency Transportation program. A gift of $1500 ensures that 40 patients receive the emergency transport they need, when they need it the most.

“I am so grateful I had access to so much support in this complicated turn of events. I wouldn’t be here today without the transport and care of Bulamu.”

- Jenifer, MCH Client From Kyegegwa District