Surgery Intensives
Surgery Intensives
$225 per Patients Treated

Imagine waiting five, ten, even twenty years for the surgery that would end your pain and allow you to care for your family, resume or start school, or return you to the workforce. 

Each year, Bulamu (in partnership with professional medical resources in Uganda) hosts 5-7 Surgical Intensives where hundreds of patients who’ve suffered from chronic and acute conditions receive surgery, at no cost to them, allowing them to achieve true wellbeing… all for about $225 per surgery patient. 

If you believe that every person deserves access to surgery that will restore their wellbeing, become a lifeline today. Your gift of $225 supports one surgery. A gift of $5,500 enables Bulamu to provide 25 operations to patients in need.

"I lost some friends, and I lost my husband due to the depression of selling off all we had to attain treatment, but I never lost myself throughout the whole ordeal. Now I want to give my assurance to anyone out there dealing with goiter that Bulamu can change your life."

- Nasande, Surgery Intensive patient, Mayuge District