
Dr. Andrew Griffin, MD, FACC, FAAP

Dr. Andrew Griffin is a pediatric cardiologist who has now practiced medicine for more than 50 years. His academic concerns relate to the interplay of critical care medicine, economics, and medical ethics, increasingly important as health care undergoes its current evolution. He has practiced with the University of Illinois for more than a decade and has also served as the Chief of Pediatric Cardiology at Loyola School of Medicine and Rush University. He is the past chairperson of Pediatrics at Advocate/Illinois Masonic, and was Director of the Heart Institute for Children at Hope Children’s Hospital prior to his return to the University of Illinois. Since he retired from his full-time practice in 2019, Andrew’s long-term interest in health equity and global health brought him to serve on Bulamu’s board from 2020-2023. He now serves on Bulamu’s Advisory Council to support the organization’s work to improve healthcare for those most in need. Prior to joining Bulamu’s board, Andrew visited Uganda and volunteered at one of our medical camps. He attended the University of Notre Dame, followed by the University of Chicago for medical school, and completed his residency in Pediatrics and fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology at the University of Chicago in 1971.